January 30, 2020
Intercessors, I see the hand of God stretching out over the people of the nations. The Lord is declaring His Salvation, His Glory and His Power over the people of the world. He is decreeing, this is the time to push His agenda for a great harvest of souls as it has been prophesied by the prophets of God. Now is my Salvation and my Power released upon the people of the Earth! It is here and it’s mine says the Lord! It is my miraculous power and a tremendous awakening. The Lord gave me Revelations 19:1 as I interceded this morning. —Salvation, Glory, Power, and Honor belongs to Jesus!
Many are facing different degrees and levels of frustration, pain, heartbreak, overwhelming sadness, devastations, and crisis currently. The Lord wants to break in on all their turmoil with His right hand and His strong arm. Psalms 89:13 declares, “Yours is the Arm, and yours is the Might; your Hand will prevail, and you will lift up your Right Hand.” (ABPE).
The Lord is not the source of their trouble, He is the source of their answer, their healing, their protection, their deliverance, and their breakthrough! I felt such an overwhelming sense of God’s love over the nations this morning. Push my will in prayer. Push my hand and my plan into the earth and many will be saved and brought into the Kingdom, even now says the Lord.
The Lord says to continue to pray over the righteous Psalms 91. Though calamities are hitting the earth, the Lord says I am assuring my people, my righteous remnant, of divine protection. Decree and declare this scripture, for I am a promise keeper. I am the keeper of covenant says the Lord. Fear NOT, people of God. “Fear nothing-not wild wolves in the night, not flying arrows in the day, not disease that prowls through the darkness, not disaster that erupts at high noon. Even though others succumb all around, drop like flies right and left, no harm will even graze you. You’ll stand untouched, watch it all from a distance…” Psalms 91 (MSG).
Let us continue to push in prayer and intercession the will of the Lord. May you stay on the wall. Stay alert and remain sober as you hear the heartbeat of God.