Prophetic Insight | Jan 2020

Intercessors, I see the hand of God stretching out over the people of the nations. The Lord is declaring His Salvation, His Glory and His Power over the people of the world. He’s decreeing, this is the time to push His agenda for a great harvest of souls as...

Prophetic Insight | Jan 2020

January 30, 2020 Intercessors, I see the hand of God stretching out over the people of the nations. The Lord is declaring His Salvation, His Glory and His Power over the people of the world. He is decreeing, this is the time to push His agenda for a great harvest of...

The Lord’s Signature Moment | Jan 2018

It’s always been my practice to seek the Lord and hear His voice for the new year.   As 2018 approached I had repeated visions of the scenes in the Zorro movies where Zorro uses his sword to mark walls and doors with his distinct mark, a Z cut with three...
I’ll Be The Judge

I’ll Be The Judge

Too often today you hear these words, “You can’t judge me,” “Who are you to judge?” and “Judge not lest you be judged!”  Well, to be quite direct about it, because I am a Christian I’ve been commanded to judge. I now have every right to judge anyone, anything and...

Prophetic Word | March 2017

I heard this word on my scope, March 1st at 5 AM. I released part of it while on the scope. May this empower you this month! Blessings! March shall mark an increase of greater influence and authority in the spirit for many says the Lord. For I am releasing my winds to...